After three months of continual development, testing, and feature enhancements based on direct feedback from private beta testers, the FastBound add-on for AmmoReady is now available to any AmmoReady merchant with an active FastBound account, at no cost.

The add-on is still a “beta” product as new features are being added at the same time that existing features are being refined. The beta program, now in the “open beta” phase, is expected to run through sometime this summer. During the open beta, all AmmoReady merchants are invited to use the new add-on and provide feedback.

When you connect FastBound to your AmmoReady account, you choose which FastBound acquisition types you want to sync. Once activated, those items will appear in the new FastBound tab in the AmmoReady dashboard. After the initial import, you’re done. AmmoReady and FastBound work together to keep everything in sync.

FastBound Add-on for AmmoReady

FastBound Add-on for AmmoReady

When you sell a firearm online and an AmmoReady order is created, AmmoReady creates a pending disposition record in FastBound and links it to the order. This pending disposition is counted against available Qty, so product availability is always accurate online.

Additional development will automate the process of linking FastBound items with product records in inventory along with other new add-on features and enhancements. The add-on will remain free when development is completed and the beta period ends.

Existing AmmoReady merchants with an active FastBound account can install the FastBound (beta) add-on themselves from the AmmoReady Dashboard. FastBound users that do not already have an AmmoReady account can contact us right here to get one.

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